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Dolos API

Dolos provides its JSON API for automated integration with exercise platforms such as Dodona.

The description below works with our publicly hosted instance ( or a self-hosted instance.

The API currently requires no authentication.

Quick Start

If you only want to programmatically submit your files to analyze, you can use these code snippets. You can access the visualisations using the html_url returned by the API.

# Requires curl and jq
# Outputs the URL to the resulting report
curl --request POST \
    --form "dataset[name]=Example" \
    --form "dataset[zipfile]" \ \
    | jq -r '.html_url'
<form id="dolos-upload" action="" >
   <input type="text" name="dataset[name]" placeholder="Name" />
   <input type="file" name="dataset[zifile]" />
   <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<script type="text/javascript">
   document.getElementById("dolos-upload").addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
      fetch(, {
         method: 'POST',
         body: new FormData(
      }).then(r => r.json()
      ).then(json => {
         // Go to the report URL
         window.location = json["html_url"];
      return false;
import requests # pip install requests

def submit_to_dolos(name, zipfile_path):
   Submit a ZIP-file to the Dolos API for plagiarism detection
   and return the URL where the resulting HTML report can be found.
   response =
      files = { 'dataset[zipfile]': open(zipfile_path, 'rb') },
      data = { 'dataset[name]': name }
   json = response.json()
   return json["html_url"]
require 'httparty' # bundle install httparty

# Submit a ZIP-file to the Dolos API for plagiarism detection
# and return the URL where the resulting HTML report can be found.
def submit_to_dolos(name, zipfile_path)
   response =
     body: {
       dataset: {
         name: name,
   return response['html_url']

Object representations

A dataset represents a ZIP-file with the submissions to be analysed.

A report represents the resulting report of the analysis.

The resulting report files (metadata.csv, files.csv, kgrams.csv and pairs.csv) are available on report data path.

Report object

created_atstring (ISO timestamp)Time at which the report was created.
updated_atstring (ISO timestamp)Time at which the report was last updated.
urlstring (URL)URL at which information about this report can be accessed.
idstringUnique identifier of this report. This should remain secret, as this is the only information needed to access the report and download its files.
errorstring or nullIf the report status is error, a description of the cause of the error, else null.
statusstring (enum)Current status of the repor. See status enum for possible values and their meaning.
stderrstringStandard error output of the Dolos API. Contains warnings or informaiton about failures.
stdoutstringStandard output of the Dolos CLI.
namestringName of the analysed dataset.
html_urlstring (URL)URL of the HTML representation of the report.
datasetDataset objectDataset containing the submissions analysed in this report. See dataset object.

Status enum

unknownThe status of this report is not known (rare)
queuedThe report is waiting for the analysis to start.
runningThe report is curently being analysed.
failedDolos CLI returned a non-zero exit code, indicating that the analysis failed. Check the report stderr for more information.
errorAn internal error prevented the server from running the analysis. Check error for more information.
finishedThe report is analysed and files are ready.
purgedThe report files are deleted and no longer available.

Dataset object

created_atstring (ISO timestamp)Time at which the dataset was created.
updated_atstring (ISO timestamp)Time at which the report was last updated.
urlstring (URL)URL at which information about this dataset can be accessed.
idstringUnique identifier of this dataset. This should remain secret, as this is the only information needed to download its files.
programming_languagestringIf given, name of the programming language of the submissions of this dataset. This is an empty string if automatic languagge detection is used.
zipfilestring (URL)URL from which the dataset ZIP-file can be downloaded.
namestringName of this dataset. Defaults to the name of the zipfile name without extension.

Example JSON

  "created_at": "2024-03-11T14:11:19.142Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-03-11T14:11:27.666Z",
  "url": "",
  "id": "9876543210123456789",
  "error": null,
  "status": "finished",
  "stderr": "",
  "stdout": "Writing results to directory: result\nMetadata written.\nPairs written.\nKgrams written.\nFiles written.\nCompleted\n",
  "name": "Example",
  "html_url": "",
  "dataset": {
    "created_at": "2024-03-11T14:11:19.136Z",
    "updated_at": "2024-03-11T14:11:19.141Z",
    "url": "",
    "id": "1234567891234567890",
    "programming_language": "",
    "zipfile": "<...>/",
    "name": "Example"

API Endpoints

Creating a report

To submit a ZIP-file for analysis, you need to send a multipart/form-data with the file.



dataset[zipfile]fileyesmultipart/form-data ZIP-file containing submissions to analyze.
dataset[name]stringnoName of the dataset. Defaults to the zipfile name without file extension.


ZIP-file submissions are limited to 10 MB maximum file size.

For larger submissions, we recommend using the Dolos CLI or Dolos lib.


In case the required parameters are present and all parameters are valid, the API will respond with status code 201 Created with a report object as response body.

If you want to view the results, you can immediately redirect the user to the html_url in the report object.

If you need the report files, you will need to poll the report url periodically (see getting report info) until the status is settled. We recommend polling once per second for a maximum of one minute. If the report status stays on queued or running for more than one minute, something is wrong with the server.

The report status will evolve as follows:

  1. queued, waiting for the analysis to start
  2. running, the analysis is running
  3. It will then settle on one of these three states:
    • finished if the analysis completed successfully
    • failed if the analysis failed, usually due to a fault with the submission files
    • error if an error occured while analyzing the files

Once the status is finished you can retrieve the report data.

Getting report info

To retrieve the report status and information, simply supply the report ID. If you need the resulting files




If a report with the corresponding id exists, the API will return a status 200 OK with the report object as body.

Getting report data



Where :file is one of:

  • metadata: report metadata (such as detected programming language)
  • files: submission file data
  • kgrams: detailed information about matching kgrams
  • pairs: similarity metrics for each file pair


If the corresponding file is attached to this report, the API will respond with a status code 302 Found redirecting to the report file location.

Deleting a report

Delete the report and corresponding dataset files. A report object will still be preserved with status set to purged.




If deleting the report and the dataset files succeeded, the API will respond with status code 204 No content and an empty body.

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